October Update: AIMCOR EIG Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Date: October 5, 2020
To: All Corporate Personnel and AIMCOR EIG Regional Offices
Re: Updated AIMCOR EIG Safety and Wellbeing Policy

As the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the AIMCOR EIG leadership remains diligent, and committed, to upholding our corporate, and individual, responsibility in lessening the risk of COVID-19 across our organization.

In late March, we introduced our corporate Safety and Wellbeing Policy that was designed to protect the wellbeing of our employees, customers, and partners. This policy is comprised of three phases: 1) respond; 2) recover and reopen; and 3) return to growth. In early summer we began the transition from phase one to phase two directing most of our attention to helping our regional offices safely reopen. During these past four months, we’ve helped put into place the planning, logistics, and communication protocols, that have enabled our offices with the ability to resume operations while protecting their employees as they return to work, both, in-person, and virtually. Our IT department continues to ensure proper security protocols are in place to enable remote connectivity, and our business development team remains squarely focused on implementing innovative, and reimagined, digital solutions that enable us to engage our clients in a manner that better serves their immediate needs while also affording the improved performance needed to generate scale, and effectiveness in our efforts. With most solutions now in place, and those still remaining all entering the final stage deployment, we’re shifting our focus over to phase three; prioritizing business growth across the greater organization as we enter Q4-2020, and move into 2021.

At this time, we continue to operate under our standard baseline safety recommendations for all personnel as follows:

    • Non-essential business travel for our corporate team remains suspended until further notice, and so does the recommendation that our regional offices, maintain these same guidelines. Information pertaining to the travel advisories can be found under the CDC’s guidance for travelers website.

    • Any employee that’s experiencing symptoms of any illness, has been in contact with anyone that is sick, or in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, is required to self-quarantine for no less than fourteen (14) days, present a negative test result, and be symptom free before being permitted to return to work.

    • For non-lead location executives, and non-essential personnel, remote work remains the recommended course for returning to work as we continue to practice social distancing. Essential personnel should continue to return into their offices as permitted under their local state guidelines.

    • We encourage all AIMCOR EIG associates to follow the CDC’s interim guidance for employers to ensure a safe office work environment.

    • While in-person meetings are permissible, we recommend everyone to continue using virtual meeting platforms wherever possible and for Regional Principals to ensure their personnel operate within the CDC’s recommended safety guidelines for in-person interactions which include limiting the number of individuals in any in-person meeting and practicing social distancing.

We will continue to provide regular updates as to our approach based on the most current recommendations provided by the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and other authorities.
It’s in these times that our priority must be the health and safety of ourselves and our loved ones. We ask all of you to continue doing your part make a positive impact in helping our fellow neighbors prevail against this pandemic and protecting the safety and wellbeing of yourselves and everyone around you.

Marc R. Verbos
Managing Director
AIMCOR Enterprise Insurance Group (AIMCOR EIG)

About AIMCOR Enterprise Insurance Group (EIG)
As a B2B insurance platform, AIMCOR EIG provides a national account, single-point relationship with its aligned institutions, coupled with 24 regional field offices that deliver local point-of-sale support nationwide. Their approach to the space and their commitment to delivering a different, more streamlined process, with local point-of-sale support, continues to resonate well across the industry. EIG aligned institutions are experiencing an advisor adoption rate of insurance that is nearly two times the industry average.